Project Two
Movie Screenplay

Films a series of pictures that when put together bring a story to life through both what you see on screen as well as the words the characters speak throughout the film. This project will challenge you replicate the experience of a film in a static format using a combination of type and image. The poster will work on both a micro and macro level. Each page will function as individual composition and the poster as a whole will work as an overall composition. 

You must use at least 15 pages of your screenplay. These pages do not have be chronological. Think about using pages with a mix of stage direction and dialogue. What parts of your movie are most important or impactful? What parts hint at the overall messages or ideas the film presents? Where are pivotal moments or quotes happening throughout the screenplay?

You may only use (6) Individual stills from your film throughout the poster. Thin carefully on your selections as well as how you can use them in alternate ways?

Must Include:

- (6) Stills used in the poster
- (4) Colors Max
- Title Treatment (Film + Date Released)
- Up to (5) Pieces of Fair Use Imagery
- Any illustration should be used a textural rather than pictoral way
Movie Choices:

-Pulp Fiction (1994)

-Taxi Driver (1976)

-No Country for Old Men (2007)

-Moneyball (2011)

-The Dark Knight (2008)

-The Social Network (2010)

-Heat (1998)

-The Matrix (1999)

-12 Angry Men (1957)

-The Breakfast Club (1985)

-There Will Be Blood (2007)

-The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

-Thank You for Smoking (2006)

-Network (1976)

-Lost in Translation (2003)

-Psycho (1960)

-The Godfather (1972)

 -V for Vendetta (2005)

Screen Shot 2023-03-02 at 11.34.57 AM

Printed Poster 24x36
PDF of above poster (On the server)
PDF of the Panels (on the server)
PDF of above poster (with grid turned on) (On Server)
Digital Process Book (Your processs book should clearly show what 15 pages of screenplay you used and what stills from the film you used as imagery)

(4) Images at 1080 width by 1920 height. (PNG OR JPEG) of the following:
1. Full Poster
2. Favorite Two Panels
3. Poster Details 


10 / 19 / 23  


Find your screenplay and watch your film. What moments are important to the plot and story? What moments have strong moments of dialogue or big twists in the story?

Annotate your screenplay. Where are the production notes important? What moments focus on dialogue or character interaction? 

Research your film and create words lists and other visual tools to help you are you continue with this project. 

(2) Typographic moodboards for your film. Think of both typographic choices and layout. What elements typographically connect to your film?

In-Class Posters:

Photo (In Folder ) 


Year Released




Actor one

Actor two 


Logo 1 (In Folder)

Logo 2 (In Folder)

(6) Layouts using all information above. Mix hierarchy and push to explore different ideas. Big Bigs and Small Smalls. 

Basic photo adjustments allowed (Cropping / BW / Monotone etc) Do not alter substantially. 

Use (2) Typefaces Max. Might want to choose something with multiple weights.



10 / 24 / 23  


Review Movies Choices and Research


(6) Type Style Studies. Think about how a range of different levels of hierarchy? Do you need one typeface or several? Heading, Subheads, Captions, Etc. Explore a range of typefaces based on your moodboards. Use the following link as a guide but not a template. Think about what pieces you will need?


Choose your (6) Stills from the movie to use for the duration of the project. Really take time to think about what images represent your film as a whole or represent the big moments in interesting ways? You will likely need to repeat images throughout your design so think about what you can do to alter / distort images to make them feel different? 

Movie Stills DB

Film Grab


(1) Moodboard of image treatments or layout ideas . How can imagery be used in interesting ways?

Print off and bring in 2-3 Pages of your screenplay  in one typeface (choose one of your studies from above and explore different weights) and at the following sizes (6pt / 8 pt / 18 pt / 24 pt / 48 / 72 pt) as well as clear tape / glue stick and scissors. Bring in 2 different stills printed as well in various sizes. (All of this can be printed Black and White on Letter or Tabloid Pages) Fill them up since we will be cutting them apart. 



10 / 26 / 23  


Review Typographic Moodboards and
Imagery studies 

In-Class Making Activitiy


Create a Grid template for your panel (8 IN WIDTH x 12 IN HEIGHT). You may want to try out several throughout your explorations.

Design (10) explorations of panel one. Focus on different conceptual and layout ideas here. Push things apart. The goal of this exercise is to establish ideas for style. Not close together, explore a wide range of executions. Think about how to use type and image. Push hierarchy both visual and typographic.


10 / 31 / 23  


Review Panel 1 Explorations


Refine (5) explorations of panel one. Focus on different conceptual and layout ideas here. Push things apart. The goal of this exercise is to establish ideas for style. Not close together, explore a wide range of executions. Think about how to use type and image. Push hierarchy both visual and typographic.

(4-5) Studies for Film Title Treatment + Year


11 / 2 / 23  


Review page one page studies


Choose (3) directions from your explorations (focusing on range of executions).

Design 3 pages for each direction. Continue to focus on both typographic and visual hierarchy.

Include the follwing in each of the three directions: Title treatment, At least two 2 Images, 4 Pages of screenplay, at least one quote or call out.


11 / 7 / 23  


Review studies of 3 directions



Refine (2) directions from your explorations (focusing on range of executions). Refine / Explore 6 pages/panels for each direction.

Continue to focus on both typographic and visual hierarchy.


11 / 9 / 23  


Work Day (No Formal Class)
Sign up for your individual meeting


Continue with Homeowrk from 11/7


11 / 14 / 23  


Review 2 Directions


Choose a final direction and layout all 9 panels using the style you have begun to develop.

Bring in (3) favorite / or panels you are struggling with as packaged files. Either Indesign or Illustrator is fine.

11 / 16 / 23  


Review System of Panels


Choose a final direction and layout all 9 panels using the style you have begun to develop.

11 / 21 / 23  


Work Day (No Class)


Continue with Homework

11 / 28 / 23  


Review full system of panels


Refine your panels and make refinements to all 9 panels. Pay attention to typographic details as well as type size. How can each panel function on its own and as part of larger whole.

11 / 30 / 23  


Review full system of panels. 


Project due next class! Focus on the details. Pay attention to typographic details as well as type size. How can each panel function on its own and as part of larger whole. Design something you would be proud to have up in your room.

12 / 5 / 23  


Project Due


Enjoy your break!