Who likes baseball? This project will be devleoping a cohesive brand identity for a minor league team playing in a fictional minor league baseball league. These branding techniques can be applied to any project you do moving forward.
Minor league teams are unique in the way that they are branded becasue of how small the markets generally are for them. They need to really appeal to the local market and many of them do this with strange or hyperspecific local brands. Also becasue of the nature in which they are used they tend to devleop a diverse system of marks.
You need to choose a state and find a city that you want to build your team around. The concept here is important becasue it will dictate a lot of the choices you make with typography and imagery.
13 x 19 BRAND BOARDS / PDF Presentation:
1) Brand System
Full identity system (6-8 marks minimum in your system) Think both typographically and visually. Primary and Secondary.
2) Uniforms / Team Collateral / Merch
3) Out of home Advertising Campaign:
Wheatpaste Poster Mural (Minimum of 10 different posters)
(3) Billboards (Think outside standard size rotation for some of them)
Instagram Posts
(Minimum 4 Boards Total) (PDF) (Digital so use as many as you need to lay them out in an interesting way)
(3) 1080 PX (Width) x 1920 PX (Height) Images that showcase your brand and collateral. Think about how to show this off! One should focus on the brand identity and the remaning two should focus on the collateral you created.
01 / 21 / 25
Introduce Project
Using the state you chose in class do the following:
1) Two distinct conceptual directions that you make using your research.
Don't go with the obvious and think about how to combine objects and symbols together. (Think about how to explain your idea / research both graphically and typographically.)
2) Moodboard (or multiple) that visually show us references from each direction above.
(This is your sales pitch to us, make sure you make it count) The stronger (& more fun) your conceptual idea is here the eaasier this project will be.
Present Concepts / Moodboards
(50) Sketches of different mascots. Some can be explorations of different marks in the system. Try different angles and simplificaitons. Can you just use the head or do you need to show the whole body? Use tracing paper to trace over existing sketches and tighten them up as well as epxlore alternate features.
Pencil and paper at this stage. Take your time here and focus on quality. Look at examples of your objects and animals etc.
Sketching Examples
Review Sketches
Spend some time with tracing paper refning your sketches. Use bold outlines and thicker strokes that will hold up in the computer. Experiment with tapering to show dimension and try to experiment with seperating or cropping parts of your mascot.
Review Refined Sketches
Begin moving these into the computer. Watch the videos on Dropbox about how to vector these properly and create contrast with simple color schemes. Continue to explore systems and alternate marks. Don't use thin strokes!
Review Brand Systems
Finish moving all your sketches into the computer. Begin creating (1) full brand concept. These need to be fully fleshed out with type with a variety of explorations along with primary and secondary marks.
Review Computer Exploration
Refine your computer explorations and start to narrow. Focus on scale and clarity.
Make sure to explore typographic marks and experiment with monograms or other versions of the typographic marks as well.
Review Computer Exploration
Narrow to final pieces of system and refine. Continue to build out system. Think about how you can combine custom(ized) typography with your marks to create addtioanl explorations. Think about nicknames or simplications of different marks.
Begin to explore applications from the deliverables list.
Review Brand Systems
Continue to refine your system. Goal is to bring in the final for next class and look at any final refinments. Focus on details.
Continue to explore applications from the deliverables list.
Review Brand Systems
Begin to finalize and other collateral. Think about what makes sense to mock up and show off a baseball team? Don't just use random mock ups.
Bring in a draft of your final presentation for us to review. Don't need to print we can review as a PDF.
Review Deliverables
Finalize Presentation / Project Due next class.
Project Due
Project Due / See Deliverables