VISC 304
Better Packaging

Redesign a packaging experience for a dollar store item with consideration to it’s sustainability. In our throw-away society, manufacturers usually specify their packaging choices based on conventional sizes/materials or perceived budget restraints. Not often enough is consideration is given to the user’s experience of it, how it leverages their brand or how it impacts the environment.

Create a package that expresses how it looks, what is does, what it is like to use it. Pay specific attention to how the package holds the object (protect), shows the object (communicates a story) and is an extension of the experience (so someone can keep the package or be able to up-cycle it).

Designers can have a power impact on all phases of the user experience. Often our involvement is limited to the duties of creating graphics and specifying materials. This project is meant to challenge your design muscles and give you an opportunity to think up and down the entire design process. Research and concept are as the form of the design.


1) Object fully packaged (No plastic)

2) Dieline (PDF on Server)

3) Final Poster 3-5 Images and your brand elements (18x24 Printed)

4) 3-5 Art Directed Photos 1:1 Square Ratio ( JPEGS or PNGs On Server)

5) PDF Process Book (On Server) (Under 100 MB)

Object Options:

Office & Art supplies (with Brand Name)

Pencils (Carbon) Paintbrushes (Inkwash) Pens (Penpoint) Erasers (Blankspace) PaperClips (Wire-o) Scissors (Chop Chop) Stapler (Standard Staple Co.) Staples (fixx) Pushpins (Gallery) Rubber bands (Binder Brand) Binder clips (Stack) Bottle of Ink (Artisan) Xacto Knife (Cross cut) Highlighters (Glooco) Tape and/or Tape Dispenser (Tape Mate) Glue Stick or Glue (Grip Equipment) Post-it Notes (Story Stickers) Hole Punch (Punch) Rubber Bands (Flexi) Magnets (snap) Label Maker (Tag) Correction Fluid (Fixit) Tape Measure (Pro Rule) Acrylic paints (ChromaVibe) Watercolor paints (AquaFusion) Colored pencils (Color Flex) Oil pastels (Blend) Graphite pencils (graph line) Small Sketchbook (mini canvas) Paintbrushes (brush-craft) Protractor (precision angle) French Curves (curvve) Palette knives: (PalettePro) Linoleum blocks (BlockCraft) Calligraphy pen (script style) Fountain pens (Flow Inc) Charcoal sticks (CharcoChic) Colored markers (ChromaWave) Fixative spray (Fixible) Drawing pens (Precision Pen) Linoleum carving tools (LinoCraft) Wood Block Carving tools (WoodCraft) Clay tools SculptStyle Calligraphy/India ink: InkStyle 

Cooking & Kitchen Utensils (with Brand Name)

Whisk (Mix It Up) Spatula (Flip Flop) Garlic Press (Press Co.) Peeler (Pare & Peel) Basting Brush (Baste Mode) Measuring Spoons (Exactly) Citrus Squeezer (Main Squeeze) Microplane (Zester) Meat Thermometer (Ready Roast) Salt and Pepper Shaker (Sal & Pep) Chip Clips (Chipper) Can Opener (Latchkey) Pizza Cutter (Slice) Wine Opener (Uncorked) Ice Cream Scoop (Joy Co.) Salad Tongs (In the Mix) 

01 / 21 / 25  


Class & Project Intro


Chose an item from the list above. Chose something you own or can easy aquire from the dollar store etc.

Word List or Mind Map for your item / object. Who uses it, what do they use it for, history etc. Dive deep! 

Brand Audit for Existing Brand & create a visual audit of your object and it uses. Think about the example we talked about in class today. 

Bring in tape, scissors, cardboard, posterboard, X-ATCO knifes, ruler etc. You will be prototyping packaging so bring supplies to work on it in class.

01 / 23 / 25  


Packaging / Rough Form making excerise


Using what you learned in class today and additonal exploration. Draw your (3) dielines in illustrator. 

Print (2) dielines small / cut and fold them into a mock up.

Choose your favorite / most successful and make a full size mock up (package your object). This can be on thinner paper not not fully supported we are just trying to define the size. 

01 / 28 / 25  


Review Dielines and Packaging Forms


Refine your final dieline for scale and additional details. Use the information and feedback from class today.

Create (3) moodboards for the branding of your product. Think conceputally here. Who uses it, when do they use it, and why do they use it? How can you push these ideas through branding?



01 / 30 / 25  


Review Dieline Refinements
and moodboards


Make any final dieline refinements and start to plan for materials.

Using two of your selected moodboards explore two different directions / buckets.

This exploration should be expansive and show me that you have fully explored your ideas. This should be a combination of pencil sketches, computer sketches, typographic exploration and addtional research. This is a test, show me that you all know how to fully explore without such specific direction. Exploration driectly benefits your final project. 




02 / 04 / 25  


Review Brand Exploration


Using your two selected moodboards explore two different directions / buckets start to think about how to build a brand system for each. Think about logo, logotype, color, pattern, iconography, illustration,etc.

If you had not fully explored your ideas today continue to explore and don't get stuck in one direction.

Print both directions of exploration for Thursday.




02 / 06 / 25  


Review continued brand exploration


Continue to explore and refine!

Design a brand toolkit for each direction. Use the example form class today as a guide but not a template. 

Things to include:

1) Show elements together. This should get someone excited about the brand. How does the brand use type and image together? Think scale etc.

2) Logo / Logotype

Show the logo and/or logotype. Show it large and small. How does it scale? Break down the logo if that helps you explain your idea.

3)Typographic System

Show use type in context. Headlines, subheads, body copy, captions etc. You can use copy from wikipedia or write your own. The content is less important than setting the type. 

4) Color Choices

Show us your color system. Test them to see how they intereact.

Print both directions of exploration for Tuesday




02 / 06 / 25  


Review toolkits for both branding directions


Make refinements to one chosen brand direction for final. 

Explore (5) different directions for applying graphics to your packaging from. These should include mostly of the typography from the orginal packaging such as warning labels and instructions. Including the barcode is optional.

Print packaging explorations. You can print them smaller to fit on 11x17 sheets if larger.




02 / 13 / 25  


Reviw Packaging Applied Graphics


Choose (2) packages to refine

These should include mostly of the typography from the orginal packaging such as warning labels and instructions. Including the barcode is optional.

Print and fold packaging explorations. We need to see one at full size. You can print the other smaller to fit on 11x17 sheets if larger.

(2) Moodboards for art directed photos. Think simple execution high impact.

(1) Rough draft of poster. You can use placeholder images or gray boxes in place of the acutal photos.

Begin to gather materials for packaging production  



02 / 18 / 25  


Review Packaging Mock Ups

Review Moodboards


Finalize Packaging and Dielines

Start working on creating your final packaging. Think about materials and production. 

Remember that craft if a part of your grade here work neatly and with precison. 




02 / 20 / 25  


Review Packaging In-Progress


Continue working on packaging production and art directed photos. 




02 / 25 / 25  


Review Progress


Continue working on packaging production, poster design and art directed photos. 




02 / 27 / 25  


Project Due (See deliverables above)


Homework for Project 2